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My 2 yrs old daughter it's been appearing with little red points in her arms,legs,and stomach?

At the beginning i thought was because of the cold weather but the thing is that is more than a week and those points don't go away.I've tried putting lotion on her body,bathing her with aveeno but now her skin between her legs looks like blueish,should I take her to the doctor? or keep going with the lotion and wait more time?

Help me please ,thanks!!!!!!

12 respuestas

  • Anónimo
    hace 1 década
    Respuesta preferida

    it seems its a rash, and probably fungal,

    go to the doctor,

    and wash her bed linnens dust mites

    , also if you have a dog or cat it could be bug bites

    or a new laundry detergent,

    make sure to put clean cotton on her skin, and not polyester, or wool,

    lastly it could be dye in juice, or a food allergy,

    for allergies i use benedryl for children,

    for fungal infections, the MD prescibes stuff but they have over the counter lotrimin now or lamisil,

    and i also use neosporin, generic versions- for exzema

    the worst thing i can think of is a virus like fifths disease, or something like that ( version of chicken pox virus )

    good luck


  • ?
    Lv 4
    hace 5 años

    It might be cholic or gas or constipation, is it always around the same time or random times, if it's the same time it could be cholic and I would take her to your pediatrician, if it's gas there are baby drops to help, if it's constipation u might have to take her to a doc, my 2 1\2 week old baby girl for 3 days around 9-10pm would cry and not stop, make sure she is warm, has a clean diaper, and has been fed enough and burped, if it still continues try a warm bath, if that doesn't work take her to the doctors

  • Anónimo
    hace 1 década

    My son had this problem when he was 2 he started getting little red points one day I noticed two on his back and then the next morning on his tummy and legs. I took him to the doctor right away. The doctor told me he was too young to get chicken pox. So he assumed it was a reaction to maybe dirt or grass getting into his pores, but did advise me that if more appeared and they started to itch to take him back because it could be chicken pox. Take her to the doctor especially if they are turning blue she could have somekind of infection. He did prescribe a really good cream. After I started applying it the little dots started dissapearing and within days they were gone.

  • hace 1 década

    I think shes a little too old for infantego,it could be some kind of chicken pox or measles. Is she running a fever. Could also be a reaction to soap or laundry soap. It's always best to consult a dr to be sure. Do you have pets? If so check it for fleas.Good Luck!

  • hace 1 década

    First off, you shouldn't put anything on a rash/bumps until you know for sure what they are. If she has on lotion right now, wash it off and don't put anymore on until you figure out what the bumps are.

    It sounds like chicken pox. Has she been feeling tired lately? Acting sick? Have a fever? If so, it's probably chicken pox. She might not have any of those things now but that doesn't mean she won't get them later on.

  • hace 1 década

    Take her to the doctor right away she maybe having an alergic reaction to something and if her skin is turning blueish that is not a good sign she is loosing circulation in her legs.

  • binoxi
    Lv 4
    hace 1 década

    If there is anything that you ever see onyour child and you don't know what it is, it's always safe to go to the doctors. It does sound like Chicken Pox and they are not fun!

  • Joey R
    Lv 5
    hace 1 década

    Take her to the doctor right away

  • hace 1 década

    get her to a doctor. She may chicken pox.

  • Anónimo
    hace 1 década

    is it itching, if she is, it could be chicken pox

    but take her to the doctor

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