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Just me! preguntado en Home & GardenMaintenance & Repairs · hace 1 década

Why is my GE refrigerator model GSS25LGM/GSS25LSM not working?

I had cleaned it before, but not with water pressure like a tech recommended two yrs ago!

What can i do now?




I'm unplugged the refrigerator like two hours, but the fan doesn't even work!!

Actualización 2:


Thanks for your answers,i called a tech and it was the board!

2 respuestas

  • ?
    Lv 4
    hace 1 década
    Respuesta preferida

    Call a tech

  • Tomcat
    Lv 6
    hace 1 década

    Refrigerators needn't be cleaned with water pressure. Coils should be cleaned with a brush and vacuum. Are you sure there is power where the fridge is plugged in?

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