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Patricia preguntado en Entertainment & MusicMovies · hace 9 años

What do you think about the movie The Secrets in their eyes?

1 respuesta

  • ?
    Lv 4
    hace 9 años
    Respuesta preferida

    Argentinean The Secret in Their Eyes, is now here for us to see. It's about a court investigator Benjamin Esposito - RICARDO DARIN - who looks back on an investigation he was reluctantly responsible for prosecuting.

    Twenty five years later, in retirement, he's thinking of writing a novel about the Morales case in which a twenty three year old teacher was raped and murdered.

    His superior at that time, in terms of social status, money and academic achievement was Irene - SOLEDAD VILLAMIL - a woman he came to love.

    But the case takes hold of Esposito... he can't let it go, in the past or in the present. Esposito spots a potential culprit from a photograph of the victim's past life, but believing is one thing, making an arrest is another...

    What is extraordinary is that this film won the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film. What were they thinking with A PROPHET and THE WHITE RIBBON both in contention, both unimaginably better than this

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