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What kind of job , can i get now?

I'm a hispanic woman tired of having domestic jobs, I speak spanish, english, fluently. I finished my career of five years in my native country as Licenciada en Idiomas.

I have experience working as Customer Service Representative, Ticket seller, Cashier, Office Assistant and more!

I have sent my resume to a lot of places and I don't get an answer, I'm a Makeup Artist now but this not enough for me!

Any good recommendations for me, I'm feeling frustrate.


2 respuestas

  • hace 8 años
    Respuesta preferida

    Use your bilingual capabilities to your advantage. If you have skills working with money try applying at a bank.

  • hace 8 años

    As you said that you have a Customer Service Representative experience so you can get a job in a same filed like Sales Product Support, Business-corporate representatives, General Customer Care etc..

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