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Fran preguntado en Politics & GovernmentPolitics · hace 6 años

Is there a way to finish the two party system in the America?

why is that pple only vote for democrats or republicans, are americans too conservative to trust other parties?

3 respuestas

  • hace 6 años

    In 1992, a lot of Republicans wasted their vote by supporting a third party candidate. And as a result, the Democrat won the Presidential election, even though he had less than 50% of the vote.

    In 1996, the same thing happened.

    In 2000, it happened again, although this time it was the other way around.

  • hace 6 años

    The structure of the American electoral system doesn't really accomodate more than two strong parties. It's an artifact of first-past-the-post voting.

  • Anónimo
    hace 6 años

    It's about choosing the lesser of 2 evils.

    In my opinion, liberals are as needed as child molesters, and are as honest as bill clinton claiming he "did not have sex" with Lewisnky.

    I wish they would die out, they're like a virus infecting this once healthy nation, brick by brick they destroy and decay all the while claiming to be the righteous ones...they're a joke. A bad one.

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