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Is it posible that Poland becomes the biggest european power in the future?
In George Friedman´s book The Next 100 Years, he predicts a poland supremacy in Europe and that a posible WW3 will lead to Poland with some Eastern europe allies like Czech republic, defeting Germany and France. I wonder if this has some real foundation given that Poland currently lacks any economic or military power and is thounsand miles away from countries like Germany or the UK in terms of technology
4 respuestas
- hace 6 años
A lot of poorer countries are going to reach the level of development of the western Europe in the next 50 years and Poland is likely to be one of them. But there's no reason to think that it's going to conquer the world and I as a Pole I see no reason to attack Germany nor France.
- picadorLv 7hace 6 años
If the Poles themselves thought so they wouldn't be flocking to the British Isles in the numbers that they do.
- hace 6 años
I doubt it. I would put Germany first followed by France as a close second.