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Fran preguntado en Entertainment & MusicCelebrities · hace 6 años

Did Madonna ever meet Marlene Dietrich?

Madonna got famous in the middle of the 80´s, and Marlene died 1992. Madonna mentioned Dietrich in Vogue (1990) and portrayed her in the Express yourself video (1989). Apart from the intended portrayals, they are strikingly similar in look and attitude, specially when compareing with Young Marlene Dietrich and Young Madonna, my question is, did Madonna ever met Marlene?

2 respuestas

  • Anónimo
    hace 6 años

    No. I would agree that Madonna has got some inspiration from Marlene Dietrich, from watching her old films. But they never met. Marlene became a recluse in the last years of her life, living in an apartment in Paris. She stopped making appearances long before Madonna became famous.

    There is a story that Madonna wanted to meet Marlene, but Marlene refused, saying 'I played vulgar, she IS vulgar.' When hearing that Madonna wanted to remake Marlene's early film, The Blue Angel, she said she would prefer Tina Turner.

    Marlene kept performing for a very long time, I think that's another reason why Madonna sees Marlene as a role model for longevity. Marlene however did romantic ballads - Madonna tries to do uptempo dance/pop still, and that's a lot more demanding to perform.

  • Anónimo
    hace 5 años

    For the best answers, search on this site

    Not at all, she is definitely the Marilyn Monroe type. She has on several of her videos invoked the imagine of Monroe to make the point. There really is no comparison Madonna with Dietrich. Something else to remember, she will be 55 this year. Same age as some of you or older. She is not that gorgeous and talented. So she had to use other methods to sell her product. It worked. Marilyn Monroe was supposed to have had a lesbian relationship and unfortunately abused drugs. Dietrich was known to be bisexual and had at least one extramarital affair. So neither woman was an angel.

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