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Tired light model back to the fore?

Tired light models that allow to fully explain the observations (Tolman test, angular test, etc.) that support a flat, Euclidean universe of fractal structure

Tired models of light and static universe have been defamed among others by the great criminal cheat Allan Sandage. And in fact there is a physical mechanism for the proportional energy loss of t the photon without changing its direction in a rarefied gas, but the confusion introduced by Maxwell's equations in this subject has caused great astronomers such as Hubble not to dare to support tired light theory

CMB temperature predicted by tired light static universe = 2.8K

Temperature of the CMB, calculated by theory of the Big bang by the dishonest Gamow

T = 50K

Experimental T (CMB) = 2.7K

The GN11 galaxy with a redshift of z> 11 already poses serious problems to the Big Bang cosmology, men in black have delayed the project of the J Webb telescope that would show galaxies with z> 20 and collapsed BIg Bang charade

Thanks in advance

6 respuestas

  • hace 3 años
    Respuesta preferida

    Nope still made up physics.

  • goring
    Lv 6
    hace 3 años

    Basically the particle of light besides the structure of space was the first Creation By our Creators.Hence it is the basic mass structure of the Atom that is invariant in mass and size.

    The speed of the patricle is a function of the gravity field of space;hence it is not exactly invariant. Hence its motion is space density dependent.

  • hace 3 años

    Men in black? You had a slight odour of credibility until you said that.

    You are just another conspiracy nut who degrades people who have contributed a lifetime to the study, just so you can appear intellectually superior. Can you post a link to your published works so that we can compare them to others? Or is your entire research to be found in your Youtube history?

  • hace 3 años

    You've managed to ignore all the relatavistic effects which support an expanding universe but not tired light. So no, it's not back to the fore - except when another nail is hammered into its coffin!

  • Nyx
    Lv 7
    hace 3 años

    And your question is what again?

  • Colin
    Lv 7
    hace 3 años

    Here's a tip, sunshine: when you want to advance a radical alternative theory, don't indulge in unsubstantiated ad hominem attacks on the founders of the currently accepted theory.

    It makes you look like a prat.

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