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How similar was Cro-Magnon I (the old man) to modern Europeans?

The European, African and an Asian skulls, are more similar to each other with respect to Cromagnon I skull found in France

Thanks in advance


Gerasimov cromagnon man

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2 respuestas

  • Anónimo
    hace 3 años
    Respuesta preferida

    Cro-Magnons were Western Hunter Gather lineage. The dark skinned meat eaters of Cheddar Man. Modern Europeans retain only 10% of this autosomal DNA. If you meant like, intellectually, they were modern humans in all modern human capabilities.

  • JimZ
    Lv 7
    hace 3 años

    Based on Chris Stringer's book on Neanderthals, modern humans retained African proportions for a few thousand years before they became more European in proportion presumably as they adapted to local environments. I suspect Cro-Magnon man might look a bit like a modern African, maybe more like a Kung! San (Bushman) than a modern European. That is just superficial appearance however.

    I'm reading a book now by Berger about Homo naledi and he has a quote in there that was humorous. He quoted someone as saying if a Cro-Magnon were alive today in a train station, you would probably change seats. If a Neanderthal were there, you would probably change trains.

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