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Nested radicals?

The nested radical

a = {1 + [1+ (1.............) ^1/2 ]^1/2 + ..} ^ 1/2 = aureo number

Find the result if the series 1,1,1,1,1 is replaced by the series 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ........

1 respuesta

  • hace 2 años

    The first number: x = {1+[1+(1 ... )^(1/2)]^(1/2)}^(1/2) satisfies x²=1+x which, given x>0, allows only x=(1+√5)/2, the golden ratio. Of course one has to show convergence, but that is not too hard, or you can appeal to Herschfeld’s convergence theorem (look it up).

    The second number {1+[2+(3 ... )^(1/2)]^(1/2)}^(1/2) is more interesting. It is commonly known as the Nested Radical Constant, although Herschfeld called it the Kasner number. A spreadsheet or calculator quickly gives a good approximation. I get about 3 digits for every 4 terms. However, according to the Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences "No closed-form expression is known for this constant". I haven't been able to improve on that but if anyone here can, please speak up and be famous!

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